Comic Review: Mars Attacks vs Judge Dredd by IDW

I keep abusing myself with these IDW titles. What is wrong with me (actually, that is a long list)? I must be upfront and honest and say I was excited to see a Mars Attack crossover. I loved the movie's retro sci-fi and campness, so I hope we will get some of that in this title. Fingers crossed, and let us dive in!

Publisher: IDW

Title: Mars Attacks Judge Dredd

Writer: Al Ewing

Artists: John McCrea

Pages: 104

Cover: Not as exciting as it could have been, showing a slightly worried-looking Alien facing off against a stern-looking Judge Dredd.


It is a cross-over between Judge Dredd and Mars Attacks (using the IDW franchise). The story has the leading man, Judge Dredd, called in to investigate a mega racket in the city. What he discovers is a racket being controlled by Aliens from Mars. With their plan rumbled, the Aliens launched a full-scale invasion of Mega City One. Only Judge Dredd, with the help of Judge Anderson's abilities, can put a stop to the Martian minds suppressing the Judge’s weapons, giving them a chance to stop the invasion.


It's not the best cross-over I've read, which is a shame. My high point was not knowing who would win with Judge Dredd nearly being killed. This did leave me guessing the outcome for a bit. But sadly for me, the lowlights were rough. Judge Dredd didn't even seem to care that Mega-City One was being invaded, and then, to make matters worse, Judge Dredd pardoned a Mafia Don to get his help. This feels dirty to me, even if Judge Dredd did manage to arrest them for a different crime. Overall, it is a switch-off of your brain to read adventure. Just remember, Judge Dredd fans, this isn't canon and is easy to forget, so blame reading it on a malfunctioning Dream Machine.


Comic Review: Judge Dredd Deviations by IDW


Comic Review: Judge Dredd Complete Case Files 02 (Part 02)