Comic Review: Aliens - Fire & Stone

Hot on the heels of Prometheus: Fire and Stone, issue two Aliens: Fire & Stone. They are original with these titles. Once again, I found it at my local library. Let’s go!


Author: Chris Roberson

Illustrator: Patric Reynolds

Type: Graphic Novel

Publisher: Dark Horse

Page Count: 128

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Fluff: Directly tying in with the Prometheus and Aliens films, this excursion into terror will not be missed!

An unlikely hero tries to save a small group of researchers and miners from the doomed, deep-space Hadley's Hope colony--which is now infested with vicious xenomorphs! Terraforming engineer Derrick Russell takes control during an outbreak of aliens and leads his desperate survivors onto the Onager, a rickety mining vessel. This role is new to Russell, as are the horrors he and his crew will face both in space and on the strange planet they crash on.


This is part two in the Fire and Stone Series, but you must understand it is the prequel to the Prometheus issues, which is a confusing and strange way to go about the series. Up first, the artwork is beautiful and sucks you into the tale and makes it worth the cover price for the artwork alone. In contrast, the story is pretty standard, as seems to be the case with Xenomorph titles. Where this changes a little is the fact that it ties into the Aliens movie. Set on LV-426, we see some of the colonists dealing with the infestation that the Marines face. Though heavily mauled, a handful of survivors escape the world using a rundown ship called the Onager and escape to LV-223. Having believed to have fled the danger, it's soon discovered they didn't arrive alone, and the group runs into the jungle to escape the Xenomorph threat. Here the shit hits the fan with the group coming under constant attack and the discovery of black goo as well. The story is sometimes confusing as the black goo can seemingly mutate and alter DNA, and the whole piece ends on a cliffhanger that I can only assume is answered in either Aliens vs Predator or the Predator issue.

It's worth the 30 minutes of reading for the eye candy alone, and the story isn’t bad for some escapism. Now, to find the next issue. Have you read the series? Let me know your thoughts below. I would love to hear it, and I guess I need to rewatch Prometheus and Covenant again as I find the whole black goo confusing.


Comic Review: Fire and Stone - Aliens vs Predator


Comic Review: Fire and Stone - Prometheus